
Showing posts from February, 2019

Motion Preview Link

Sports New York Times

1. 2."10 M.L.B Story Lines to ponder as Pitchers and Catchers Report" 3. In this article, the writer talks about who will be absent from the M.L.B this year, and who is going to be retruning. The article, also talks about what is to come for baseball this tear and what the teams are looking like. 4. Free Agents, World Series 5. I think that this article is an Advance article, because it talks about the upcoming season, and what is in-store for each team. 6.My Article talks about each team in order from best to worst, while giving us a summary about the team.

Sports Exploration

1.Basketball 2.Golden State Warriors 3.Top Rankings for Mens Basketball:    1. Golden Stat Warriors    2. Boston Celtics    3. LA Lakers    4. Houston Rockets    5. Cleveland Cavaliers 4.Summary: In the 2017-2018 basketball season, the Golden State Warriors had a great season and won the NBA        finals against the Cleveland Cavaliers, with an over all season record of 58 wins and 24 losses. Rules: 1. You can't run with the ball 2. All legal plays must be inside the lines 3. No Holding, pushing, tripping, or striking in anyway Jagons: Free throw: if someone gets fouled when they are trying to shoot they will get a chance to shoot 2 times without anyone getting in their way. 3 pointer: if you shoot beside the 3 point line the the basket counts as 3 points instead of the normal 2. Dunk:when someone hangs from the rim after making a basket. Cliche: D-up: people say this when your team is on defense a...

Best covers of 2015

1. To recreat this photo I would have my subjects face get painted as shown in the image and then I would make sure she was showing the emotion of being brave or strong in a way. 2. To recreat this photo I would try to catch my model of guard, and make the background lighting dull. 3. To recreat this photo I would need my subject to portray the emotion that he is mad, or annoyed and change the filter to black and white.

Portrait Blog #1

List of Tips: Make sure it is worth the amount of money and time The cover should be emotionally irresistible  Should be Familiar recognize from issue to issue Should promise benefits The reader should be able to read fast and scan easily


Cold Purple Electricity

Aperture, Shutter Speed, ISO

Aperture setting F2.8: Aperture setting F16 of higher: 1. The pupil is what you should closely relate to Aperture 2 .   the smaller the Aperture the more bright it is, the higher the Aperture the darker the picture is. 3. the lower the  Aperture number the more the background is blended, and the higher the aperture number the more focused the background is. A) I would take photos at a booth in the middle of the yard near the trees, because if the sun was still out then i could still get a good photo because of the natrual lighting. My shutter speed would fast. C)If i had to take photos of the Stars performance i would take them in the gym during the day, because i would get to keep the shutter speed fast because the light would still be out. LIST: 1. Shutter-priority mode is where you can manually set the shutter speed 2. The program mode is used to select the shutter speed be detecting how much light is passing through t...