
Showing posts from August, 2018

CE #1

SHORT ANSWERS: 1. Donald McGahn is 50 years old. 2. More then 280 writers went to the festival. 3. Aston martin will attempt to create 14000 cars next year 4. Austin, Lake Travis, their football stadium , the baseball feel and the gymnasium. 5. I would go to the babe fest music showcase because I like music. LONG RESPONSE: 1. Some people are not being allowed to renew their passports because the Trump admiistration says that thousands of hispanics along the bored are using fake birth certificates. this has caused the administration to focus on this act a lot and id not letting a lot of people to renew their birth certificates. 2. Juan was really shocked when he didn't get to have his passports renewed. This was a shock to him because he had served this country for a long time. 3. When the US government thinks that people have a fake birth certificate they will sed them a letter that informs the person they can't get a passport. If the person refuses they can and will...

Media literacy

media literacy 1.Bloombreg, ABC, The Hill 2. Mother Jones,Vox, Daily Beast 3., Examiner,The Weekly Standard 4. liberal- palmet report, New republic conservative- Fox News,The Blaze 5. Facts- true things about people/information 6. Opinions- things you believe that have are not facts 7. Informed opinions - things that people believe that are some what factual 8. In the dispatch you might fine facts in the articles and sports because they will give thee information of if we lost the game or if we won the game. could also find in formed opinions in a games because of how the players think the team did or how they did. 10. Opinions might creep up into your writing if you are writing about something that you care strongly about. 11. some words that would cue that you are talking about your opinions are, in my opinion , or think or I believe. 12.The first amendment talks about the right to press. 13. congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of ...

news values

new values proximity - for proximity I found the article "body camera captures rescue of Texas family". this relates to proximity because we live and Texas and proximity means that the article will realte to something that is near you. human interest - the article I chose for human interset was " here are the victims of Jacksonville shooting at madden tournament". this article has to do with human interest because it was an emotional event where people got shot and killed. the article talks about the victims of this shooting and what tragedies it brought to families. novelty - for novelty I found the article " college footballs top 25 most quotable coaches". this relates to novelty because the article talks about a ...

welcome to my blog!

I took journalism 1 because a lot of my friends had told me that this class was really fun and not to hard as long as you do your work. I also took this class because a lot of my friends were taking it as well. I am very exticed to create my own blog and become a better writer.