news values

new values

proximity - for proximity I found the article "body camera captures rescue of Texas family". this relates to proximity because we live and Texas and proximity means that the article will realte to something that is near you.

human interest - the article I chose for human interset was " here are the victims of Jacksonville shooting at madden tournament". this article has to do with human interest because it was an emotional event where people got shot and killed. the article talks about the victims of this shooting and what tragedies it brought to families.

novelty - for novelty I found the article " college footballs top 25 most quotable coaches". this relates to novelty because the article talks about a random thing that might peak a football fans interests.

impact- for Impact I read the article "are you ready to upgrade your iPhone". This relates to impact because the event of a new apple product might effect your decision to buy a new phone.

timeslines- for impact I looked at the article "customers died. will that be a wake-up call for China's tech scene". I think this article is related to timelines because of the newness of the situation.


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