BACKROUND 1. my dad 2. my mom, my grandparents 3. my topic is going to be how he got to the point he is at today, and what he came from to what he is from now. 4.my angle will be from his my perspective looking in on the situation. 5.QUESTIONS FOR DAD 1.what was a normal day for you growing up? 2.what has been the biggest change from then to now? 3.what was the biggest struggle for you or your family when you were young? 4.where did you see you like going when you were young? 5.what were your goals when you were young? 6.who do you think impacted you the most to be were you are today when you were young? 7.what things made you move to Austin? 8.what was you reason for having the job you have? 9.if you could change anything about your past what would it be? 10.what things did you have to go through to become successful? 11.what is something that you did have to worry about then that you don't have to worry about now? 12.what is some advice that you would give some...