1. This week I have felt stress, sad, and anxious. this was all caused by school because its going to be the end of the six weeks this week and I still have so much to do to get my grades up.
  2. I got a good grade on my math test, I hung out with my family this weekend, and hung out with my friends this weekend.
  3. I worry about the three classes that I am facing right now because I need them to get up by the end of the week.
  4. Three things that frustrate is school, boys, and my parents.
  5. Three things I need are time, money, and my family.
  6. I think my teachers worry about getting grades in on time, there kids passing there class.
  7. I think that teaches feel good when their kids make good grades, when they have nothing to grade, or when everyone in the class is getting what they are doing.
  8. my friends, games, some teachers
  9. I have to get up early, some of my teachers, it can be really hard.
  10. At bowie, or maybe just in my friend group we treat each other like family and we all care about each other a lot.


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