A. Some of the main points in the website regarding manipulating images, are that usally photos tend to be manipulated in one way or another, and now that this is a big topic in the world it brings up the fact that these photos could now not be telling the truth because of the the photoshop that the photographers are using.
B. news papers like the Washington Post and New York Times use photoshop on a day to day basis, they do this because sometimes the photos don't go with exactly what they are talking about so they will use photo manipulation in order to make them go with the overall topic.
C. I think so things that you could do t a photo that would be acceptable is changing colors or cropping out something that doesn't really go with the main topic. on the other hand I think that photo shopping someones body to look like something its not is unethical.
D. I think that this photo displaces unethical manipulation because Governor Shara Palin is being wrongfully portrayed, and this is something that regards a big topic in or work that should only deal with factual evidence.
B. news papers like the Washington Post and New York Times use photoshop on a day to day basis, they do this because sometimes the photos don't go with exactly what they are talking about so they will use photo manipulation in order to make them go with the overall topic.
C. I think so things that you could do t a photo that would be acceptable is changing colors or cropping out something that doesn't really go with the main topic. on the other hand I think that photo shopping someones body to look like something its not is unethical.
D. I think that this photo displaces unethical manipulation because Governor Shara Palin is being wrongfully portrayed, and this is something that regards a big topic in or work that should only deal with factual evidence.
E. I think that this is the most ethical photo because it was Manipulated not out of bad intent and only t make the family look closer because they couldn't actually be together.
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